Title: Starting Over Authors: Jennifier D. and Aishuu Type: Series, Chapter 15 Anime: Prince of Tennis / Tenisu no Oujisama Authors' Notes: Nope, we're not dead yet. As a response to oshunanat's request for guessing my Blind Go fic correctly, I dragged Jenn back in. ^_~
Fic: Starting Over Authors: Jennifier D. and Aishuu Link: "Part 9" Summary: Stop. Rewind. Let's start over with Atobe as a Seigaku student... and the changes that brings. Notes: This is not a romance. There are some yaoi hints, a lot of flirtation, but the main thing is a series rewrite. Archive: cowriter: jennifier_d,
starting over,
Fic: Starting Over Authors: Jennifier D. and Aishuu Link: Part 8 Summary: Stop. Rewind. Let's start over with Atobe as a Seigaku student... and the changes that brings. Notes: This is not a romance. There are some yaoi hints, a lot of flirtation, but the main thing is a series rewrite. Archive: cowriter: jennifier_d,
starting over,
Fic: Starting Over Authors: Jennifier D. and Aishuu Link: Part 6 Summary: Stop. Rewind. Let's start over with Atobe as a Seigaku student... and the changes that brings. Notes: This is not a romance. There are some yaoi hints, a lot of flirtation, but the main thing is a series rewrite. Archive: cowriter: jennifier_d,
starting over,
Fic: Starting Over Authors: Jennifier D. and Aishuu Link: Part 6 Summary: Stop. Rewind. Let's start over with Atobe as a Seigaku student... and the changes that brings. Notes: This is not a romance. There are some yaoi hints, a lot of flirtation, but the main thing is a series rewrite. Archive: cowriter: jennifier_d,
starting over,